We live in a dynamic world - a world that is ever changing, where scientific & technological developments have grown sky high. Each and every day newer technology is taking its place in the fast growing market, our way of life is changing each & everyday, and we are unknowingly metamorphosing into hybrid versions of our species.
The advent of internet has paved the way to an entirely new world. The world wide web that was spun by Tim Berners Lee has connected the entire world in a huge network and has brought the whole world closer. Gaining knowledge, gathering information, & communicating with anyone anywhere on the planet is only a child's play nowadays, which can just be accomplished either by a finger’s click on our PC's mouse or by a touch on our smartphone.
Cellphones, smartphones, ipads, laptops etc have become an integral part of each & everyone's life that a day without these gadgets is unthinkable for any individual of any age group.
When we turn back and look at the road travelled so far, we can see a drastic and dramatic change in human civilization & life style.
However we often forget that the gadgets and inventions that have brought us closer have also made us far apart, shut us off from the real world around us, and made us live in a virtual world. We quite often forget the real world that is around us, & mostly not enjoy the present moment.
When we look around, in restaurants, buses, trains, parks, everywhere we see people mostly glued to their cellphones, completely shut off from the world around them. People busy with whatsapp and facebook - interacting & sharing with friends online but hardly showing any signs of recognition to anyone around; people typing fast on their keypads while making the simple gesture of a smile to someone right beside them seems so irrelevant whereas the artificial online chats with predefined smileys & emotions and lovely words that doesn't really define the real emotions or feelings seems to be genuine & captivating; people trying to capture the present moments in their cameras to enjoy those moments as their past, rather than living in their present. We see people who don't belong here, people who are physically present in the same spatial dimension, but living elsewhere in an unknown world of their own. We see people who really don't know the real world where they ought to live.
The gadgets which maketh our life today has made us prisoners. We have freed ourselves from our bitter past, from the bondage of slavery, colonial rule, apartheid and dictatorship into a democratic world to enjoy the fruits of freedom; however we are back as slaves & prisoners in our own little worlds that we have created.
Suveen Jacob Abraham.